Relief for Small Breweries – Finance Act 2014
Qualifying small breweries (micro-breweries) that produced up to 20,000 hectolitres of beer in the previous year are eligible for relief of 50% of the standard rate of excise duty for beer.
Section 59 of Finance Act 2014 increases the production limit for qualifying microbreweries and the volume of beer on which they may claim the relief, from 20,000 hectolitres to 30,000 hectolitres per annum. Corresponding increases apply for qualifying co-operating micro-breweries.
The changes take effect on 1st January 2015 and allow qualifying micro-breweries and qualifying co-operating micro-breweries that produced up to 30,000 hectolitres of beer and up to 60,000 hectolitres of beer, respectively, in 2014 to avail of the relief.
The rate of relief will remain at 50% of the standard rate of excise duty for beer.
Any queries call me on 091 763817