Rented residential relief for landlords
The amount of relief allowable to landlords is €600 for 2024 and €800 for 2025 and then up to €1,000 in 2026
This is subject to qualifying condition as follows:
To claim the relief, on 31 December in the tax year in respect of which relief is being claimed, you must:
- own the qualifying residential premises
- hold a valid Tax Clearance Certificate
- be Local Property Tax (LPT) compliant. Revenue requires LPT number to be noted on tax return.
- Can’t be rented to family or relatives
- The qualifying premises must, on the 31st December, be:
- rented under a tenancy registered with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB)
- rented to a tenant and be a formerly rent controlled premises not required to be RTB registered
- rented to a local authority or
- actively marketed for rent
Any queries on above give me a call on 091 763817 or email me at