You can claim the Dependent Relative tax credit if you maintain at your own expense a:
- Relative, including a relative of your spouse or civil partner, who is unable, due to old age or infirmity, to maintain himself or herself
- Widowed father or mother of yourself, your spouse or civil partner or a parent of your civil partner who is a surviving civil partner, regardless of the state of his or her health
- Son or daughter or a child of your civil partner who resides with you and on whose services you are compelled to depend due to old age or infirmity.
If the relative’s income exceeds the relevant limit of €13,837 in the year 2014 and €13,904 in 2015 no tax credit is due.
The advantage of claiming dependent relative tax credit is that
> you can claim home loan interest relief in respect of interest paid for a residence of dependent relative
> you can also relief in respect of medical insurance premiums paid for the dependent relative
Any queries on same give me a call on 091 763817 or email me at